Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Erectile Dysfunction and Yoga
Yoga which has proved to be very effective in the treatment of many impossible and incurable diseases, the therapeutic effect of yoga is only a by-product and incidental. Erectile dysfunction can very well be handled with yoga when it’s related to the mind. Either they are caused by lack of confidence or stress or fatigue or fear and very few times some physical cause is there. Meditation and panorama will also help you to correct problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and help in better concentration.
Below are the benefits of this yoga set :
• Helps raise the vibration of sexual energy, so it can be used for healing and spiritual transformation.
• Helps develop sexual potency and improves sex drive.
• Helps cure sexual dysfunction and sexual phobias.
• Helps cure erectile dysfunction.
• Increases your overall level of energy and vitality.
• Significantly develops lower body strength and flexibility.
• Tones legs and buttocks.
• Awakens, heals and balances the Sex Chakra.
Abdominal Lift
This is considered one of the very essential yoga exercises and is practiced not only for its physical values but also for the way it influences our psychic development. This asana massages and tones up the internal organs in the abdominal area. It also massages the heart, making it a stronger, more effective pump. Your circulation will improve and you will have less chance of having a heart attack. It helps the correct functioning of the adrenal glands and sex glands. It develops spiritual force.
Horse Gesture
Aswini Mudra (gesture of the horse) — the word Ashwini means ‘Horse’. The practice is so-called because the anal contraction resembles the movement a horse makes with its sphincter immediately after evacuation of the bowels. This is a very powerful technique to pump the energy up into Manipura.This asana involves the contraction and relaxation of the buttock muscles, sphyncter, perineum, and the entire pelvic region.
Anal Lift
This pose relates mainly to the muscles of the anus, penis and the muscles located nearby. The muladhar chakra is supposed to be located near penis. Hence this band relates to muladhar chakra and is termed as mulbandh. Also it relates to the base of the spine, this may be the other reason for naming it as such because 'mul' means root or base. The muscles which are not generally used, are contracted in this bandh. This results in more blood supply to these muscles thereby improving their efficiency. This is the obvious benefit of this pose.
Cobra Pose
This asana strengthens back, abdomen, arms, and shoulders, and increases flexibility in the middle of the back. Improves oxygen intake, increases circulation to the spine and improves digestion.
Wind Releasing Pose
The term Pavanamuktasana comes from the Sanskrit word 'pavana' which means air or wind and 'mukta' which means freedom or release. The Wind Relieving Pose works mainly on the digestive system. Specifically, it helps in eliminating excess gas in the stomach. er.
Sun Salute
Yoga sun salutation (Surya namaskara) is a combination of 12 poses in a sequence beginning and ending in stand-at-ease pose, the 5th and 6th of them being standing on four limbs with body horizontal to the ground while forehead and nose touches ground. The sequential breathing series during the Sun Salutation prepares respiratory mechanism for the asthma combats.
Plough Pose
A lot people complain about stiffness on the neck and lower back as a result of stress and wrong posture. In the Plough Pose, you stretch the neck and the lower back muscles. The Plough is also good for your digestion and it strengthens the kidneys, the liver and the gall bladder. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Kegel Exercise
How can kegel exercise help reduce or eliminate erectile dysfunction and improve erection in
general? Just like the results of planned exercises for weight loss and
muscle building, kegel exercises done on a regular basis will help to
improve the pelvic floor muscle called the perineum. These string-like
muscles are designed to control the erection and other specified
functions of the male anatomy like bladder control. Once these muscles
are strengthened by using a combination of kegel exercises and
resistance, this muscle will improve the length of time a man can keep
and erection, and thus reversing consistent erectile dysfunction.
Not only will men see an extreme improvement in erectile dysfunction by using resistance and kegel clenching, by also erection in general will be improves with added benefits. The reason for the general improvement of an erection is due to the increase in blood flow to the perineum area. While doing kegel exercises, the blood flow is increased, and therefore the body becomes trained to send a certain amount of blood flow to the area during times of sexual intercourse.
Kegel workouts can provide men with stronger erection. Research published in 2005 issue of BJU International, have shown that pelvic floor exercises could help restore erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction. There are said to be significant benefits for the problem of premature ejaculation from having more muscular control of the pelvis. In men, this exercise lifts up the testicles, also strengthening the cremaster muscle, as well as the anal sphincter muscles, as the anus is the main area contracted when a Kegel is done. This is because the pubococcygeus muscle begins around the anus and runs up to the urinary sphincter.
Find a quiet and private place to practice your reverse Kegels. You’ll need to take your time when you first begin. You need to be patient if you don’t feel like you’re understanding the technique right away. You’ll need to settle into a place without any interruptions. Then, you will need to:
1. Relax the penile area completely and clear your mind of tension and anxiety. You want to be calm and relaxed so that the blood can flow into your penis.
2. Begin contracting the penile muscles. Focus on contracting the muscles near the front of your penis while keeping the rest of the pelvic area as relaxed as possible. The goal is to make your penis become stronger and more erect without actually having an erection.
3. Breathe deeply and slowly as you push out the muscles in the penile area and maintain focus on strengthening only the top and lower end of the penis. Take note of how relaxed and loose the muscles directly under your penis are.
4. Let go of the contraction and breathe more deeply as you exhale. Let your penis relax, then take another deep breath and contract again. Make sure you are only focusing on the front of your penis; push out, hold for a few seconds, then relax the muscles.
5. Repeat the cycle for at least 10-15 times per session so that you feel comfortable with the movement. The entire process will feel awkward at first, but it’s very important to focus on relaxation and keeping the muscles as loose as possible outside of the contractions. You can work your way up to 40-50 exercises per session as your penis becomes stronger.
Practicing Kegels for PE treatment isn’t the most effective PE cure but good results still possible so you should try it especially in a combination with other remedies such as SSRIs. The best thing about Kegels exercises it their absolute safety and the cost is just right-it’s free. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Not only will men see an extreme improvement in erectile dysfunction by using resistance and kegel clenching, by also erection in general will be improves with added benefits. The reason for the general improvement of an erection is due to the increase in blood flow to the perineum area. While doing kegel exercises, the blood flow is increased, and therefore the body becomes trained to send a certain amount of blood flow to the area during times of sexual intercourse.
Kegel workouts can provide men with stronger erection. Research published in 2005 issue of BJU International, have shown that pelvic floor exercises could help restore erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction. There are said to be significant benefits for the problem of premature ejaculation from having more muscular control of the pelvis. In men, this exercise lifts up the testicles, also strengthening the cremaster muscle, as well as the anal sphincter muscles, as the anus is the main area contracted when a Kegel is done. This is because the pubococcygeus muscle begins around the anus and runs up to the urinary sphincter.
Find a quiet and private place to practice your reverse Kegels. You’ll need to take your time when you first begin. You need to be patient if you don’t feel like you’re understanding the technique right away. You’ll need to settle into a place without any interruptions. Then, you will need to:
1. Relax the penile area completely and clear your mind of tension and anxiety. You want to be calm and relaxed so that the blood can flow into your penis.
2. Begin contracting the penile muscles. Focus on contracting the muscles near the front of your penis while keeping the rest of the pelvic area as relaxed as possible. The goal is to make your penis become stronger and more erect without actually having an erection.
3. Breathe deeply and slowly as you push out the muscles in the penile area and maintain focus on strengthening only the top and lower end of the penis. Take note of how relaxed and loose the muscles directly under your penis are.
4. Let go of the contraction and breathe more deeply as you exhale. Let your penis relax, then take another deep breath and contract again. Make sure you are only focusing on the front of your penis; push out, hold for a few seconds, then relax the muscles.
5. Repeat the cycle for at least 10-15 times per session so that you feel comfortable with the movement. The entire process will feel awkward at first, but it’s very important to focus on relaxation and keeping the muscles as loose as possible outside of the contractions. You can work your way up to 40-50 exercises per session as your penis becomes stronger.
Practicing Kegels for PE treatment isn’t the most effective PE cure but good results still possible so you should try it especially in a combination with other remedies such as SSRIs. The best thing about Kegels exercises it their absolute safety and the cost is just right-it’s free. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Natural Food
Oyster - It is also one of the best foods that promotes sexual desire and cures erectile dysfunction. Oysters contain zinc in abundance and zinc is one of the most important nutrients to carry out any sexual activity successfully. Men who do not consume sufficient amount of zinc suffer from erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, reduced testosterone level, loss of libido etc. Even though it is one of the most expensive sea foods, you should prefer it if you want to avoid medicines. If you can consume oysters one hour before your sexual act you can see the difference.
Snails - One of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction is nutritional deficiency especially zinc. Zinc plays a significant role in diverting blood supply to the male reproductive organ. It helps to repair damaged cells and is believed to be good for the libido. Zinc is also believed to increase the sperm count. Snails are a good source of zinc. In men who suffer from erectile dysfunction or temporary loss of erection, a good meal of snails could just be the answer. Men who are not too happy about digging into a plateful of snails can also consume shellfish, lean beef, oysters and pork.
Erectile dysfunction has resulted in an increased sale in generic Viagra. Every man’s nightmare, this disorder has increased in the last 10 years due to sudden change in lifestyle. Previously, it was assumed that only old men were victims of this disease, but now a high number of middle aged men are also suffering from this disease. Despite the fact that men are finding solace in purchasing generic Viagra online, certain food products are also believed to be beneficial in controlling erectile dysfunction. However, these food items cannot cure cases of erectile dysfunction that occurs due to spinal injuries or trauma.
Garlic - Garlic is one of the best foods that cure erectile dysfunction. As stated above, erectile dysfunction occurs when there is insufficient production of nitric oxide in your brain. In fact, your brain plays vital role in all your sexual activities. Erection takes place only when it sends signal to your male organs such as penis. But when there is reduced amount of nitric oxide in your system, your brain is unable to send the required signals and eventually you don’t get erection. Nitric oxide also improves blood flow and eventually your penis receives sufficient amount of blood that leads to erection. Garlic stimulates the production of nitric oxide and cures erection problem. Garlic also increases the level of testosterone hormone which is a vital hormone to help erection.
Onion - Onion too is a wonderful food to promote erection. It reduces bad cholesterol, cleans plaque that obstructs blood flow which eventually allows more blood to reach your male organs. This leads to successful erection. Onion is one of the best foods for heart and smooth blood circulation.
Watermelon - Among food products, this is the most famous remedy for not only erectile dysfunction but also for pre-mature release of semen. It is believed to have citrulline which is a phyto nutrient that helps to relax and open up blood vessels. This increases the flow of blood to the male reproductive organ.
Acai Berry - The goodness of acai berry in the form of an antioxidant is well known. However, it is a little known fact that acai berry is an excellent therapy for men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction and pre-mature release of the semen.
Bananas - Decrease in the level of potassium can also decrease the functioning of the nerves. Due to this, the brain is not able to get the right signals even after receiving sexual stimulation. Hence, to maintain the optimum level of potassium, one should consume potassium rich food. Bananas are the best source of potassium and help in nerve functioning. Some other sources of potassium are milk, beans, orange juice and tomatoes.
Fish - Omega-3 is a vital nutrient that not only helps to increase sexual health but is also good for the overall wellbeing. They help the heart to function better, improve the circulation, boost the immune system and are also believed to help against prostate cancer. Some of the other sources of omega-3 are walnuts, soya beans, flaxseed oil, canola oil and eggs.
Cabbage - May not seem like such a yummy option, but cabbage is believed to be an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium and sulphoraphane. It is believed that the nutritional value in raw cabbage is much more than that of cooked cabbage.
Coconut water - Little do people know that the water in the coconut has some highly acclaimed nutritional ingredients that are believed to resolve ejaculation issues. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Tongkat Ali
Ali (Eurycoma longifolia, Longjack) is a tree native to Malaysia,
Thailand, and Indonesia. The part of the tree used medicinally is the
root. Tongkat Ali was dubbed the "Asian Viagra" in a May 1999 report in
the New Sunday Times. It has been used in Malaysia for many years by men
to increase sexual desire, libido, sexual performance and to treat erectile dysfunction.
Tongkat ali appears to work by increasing levels of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. Normal testosterone levels maintain energy level, mood, fertility, and sexual desire. Because of its testosterone-enhancing properties, tongkat ali is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength.
Effects on Sexual Performance for erectile dysfunction treatment
Following are the benefits related to sexual performance enhancement gained by Tongkat Ali users:
1. Erectile dysfunction is the main issue addressed by Tongkat Ali. By increasing testosterone level of the male body, Tongkat Ali helps men to elevate the erectile problem, so they can enjoy a better sex life.
2. Improper or little ejaculation is also addressed by Tongkat Ali. The amount of fluid in male ejaculation is also subjected to the level of testosterone. However, there are other medicines for addressing this problem and it is advised to take a mixture of treatments for optimum results.
3. Premature ejaculation is a condition that can be treated by Tongkat Ali. The person should be able to witness the power of this herb within the first few weeks after taking the medicine.
4. Some people feel exhausted after performing sexual intercourse. By taking Tongkat Ali, users will be able to enjoy longer sexual performance as well as feeling fit after that.
5. Improving fertility is one of the benefits taking Tongkat Ali. But this is not the most prominent benefits. If someone is critically suffering from infertility, relying fully on Tongkat Ali is not recommended.
Side Effects
However, Tongkat Ali is reported to have some side effects such as anxiety, insomia and restlessness. Men with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, liver problems, and kidney conditions are not advised to take this herbal supplement. As it may affect hormone levels, pregnant and nursing women are not recommended to use Tongkat Ali products. To avoid possible adverse effects, products containing Tongkat Ali extract shouldn’t be consumed by people who are on immunosuppressant drugs. Patients taking insulin should consult a doctor or pharmacist before using this herb as Tongkat Ali may decrease blood sugar levels. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Tongkat ali appears to work by increasing levels of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is primarily responsible for the growth and development of male reproductive organs, including the penis, testicles, scrotum, prostate, and seminal vesicles. Normal testosterone levels maintain energy level, mood, fertility, and sexual desire. Because of its testosterone-enhancing properties, tongkat ali is also used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass and strength.
Effects on Sexual Performance for erectile dysfunction treatment
Following are the benefits related to sexual performance enhancement gained by Tongkat Ali users:
1. Erectile dysfunction is the main issue addressed by Tongkat Ali. By increasing testosterone level of the male body, Tongkat Ali helps men to elevate the erectile problem, so they can enjoy a better sex life.
2. Improper or little ejaculation is also addressed by Tongkat Ali. The amount of fluid in male ejaculation is also subjected to the level of testosterone. However, there are other medicines for addressing this problem and it is advised to take a mixture of treatments for optimum results.
3. Premature ejaculation is a condition that can be treated by Tongkat Ali. The person should be able to witness the power of this herb within the first few weeks after taking the medicine.
4. Some people feel exhausted after performing sexual intercourse. By taking Tongkat Ali, users will be able to enjoy longer sexual performance as well as feeling fit after that.
5. Improving fertility is one of the benefits taking Tongkat Ali. But this is not the most prominent benefits. If someone is critically suffering from infertility, relying fully on Tongkat Ali is not recommended.
Side Effects
However, Tongkat Ali is reported to have some side effects such as anxiety, insomia and restlessness. Men with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, liver problems, and kidney conditions are not advised to take this herbal supplement. As it may affect hormone levels, pregnant and nursing women are not recommended to use Tongkat Ali products. To avoid possible adverse effects, products containing Tongkat Ali extract shouldn’t be consumed by people who are on immunosuppressant drugs. Patients taking insulin should consult a doctor or pharmacist before using this herb as Tongkat Ali may decrease blood sugar levels. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Maca Root
is an herbaceous plant that is native to the high Andes of Peru. It is
often used as a medicinal herb to treat a variety of health-related
issues. Recently, Maca has become popular around the world for its
purported ability to improve male sexual health and treat erectile dysfunction.
As a result of the traditional, popular use of Maca, scientists put it
to the test in a controlled research environment. The results of their
findings have confirmed what traditionalists have known all along, that
Maca is an effective aphrodisiac. However, researchers also found some
unexpected results as well.
In an experiment designed to determine Maca's effect on men's testosterone levels, researchers found that Maca had the effect of improving semen quality and heightening libido. In the journal article that was published in Andrologia following the study, researchers stated that their data "showed that Maca has an independent effect on sexual desire at 8 and 12 weeks of treatment… treatment with Maca improved sexual desire.". Additional experiments have found that Maca may alleviate SSRI-induced erectile dysfunction, and may help restore a healthy libido in those taking SSRI's (Anyone taking SSRI's is advised to consult their physician prior to self-medicating with Maca to treat erectile dysfunction).
Maca is not only an aphrodisiac; it also has a positive effect on overall male reproductive health. In a review of the body of research concerning the human health effects of Maca root, researchers at the Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru stated that "Maca has also been shown to improve sperm production, sperm motility, and semen volume".
Prior to controlled experiments at research institutions, Maca was thought to heighten libido by raising testosterone levels, however, it is now thought to have effects on the male libido because of its unique nutritional profile; it contains ideal levels of nutrients that are used by the human body's endocrine system, and helps balance and/or restore healthy hormone levels. Maca contains selenium, calcium, magnesium, and iron; fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acids; and 19 amino acids, as well as polysaccharides. Maca also contains a relatively unknown chemical called p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which is known for its ability to significantly increase libido, although institutional research on this chemical is lacking.
In conclusion, Maca has been found to have a positive effect on male libido, and may be an effective supplement to improve sperm production, motility, and semen volume. Maca most likely achieves these results because of its rich nutritional profile, and possibly because it contains p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which is thought to have libido-enhancing effects. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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In an experiment designed to determine Maca's effect on men's testosterone levels, researchers found that Maca had the effect of improving semen quality and heightening libido. In the journal article that was published in Andrologia following the study, researchers stated that their data "showed that Maca has an independent effect on sexual desire at 8 and 12 weeks of treatment… treatment with Maca improved sexual desire.". Additional experiments have found that Maca may alleviate SSRI-induced erectile dysfunction, and may help restore a healthy libido in those taking SSRI's (Anyone taking SSRI's is advised to consult their physician prior to self-medicating with Maca to treat erectile dysfunction).
Maca is not only an aphrodisiac; it also has a positive effect on overall male reproductive health. In a review of the body of research concerning the human health effects of Maca root, researchers at the Cayetano Heredia University in Lima, Peru stated that "Maca has also been shown to improve sperm production, sperm motility, and semen volume".
Prior to controlled experiments at research institutions, Maca was thought to heighten libido by raising testosterone levels, however, it is now thought to have effects on the male libido because of its unique nutritional profile; it contains ideal levels of nutrients that are used by the human body's endocrine system, and helps balance and/or restore healthy hormone levels. Maca contains selenium, calcium, magnesium, and iron; fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, and oleic acids; and 19 amino acids, as well as polysaccharides. Maca also contains a relatively unknown chemical called p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which is known for its ability to significantly increase libido, although institutional research on this chemical is lacking.
In conclusion, Maca has been found to have a positive effect on male libido, and may be an effective supplement to improve sperm production, motility, and semen volume. Maca most likely achieves these results because of its rich nutritional profile, and possibly because it contains p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which is thought to have libido-enhancing effects. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Pepper Extract
Alligator pepper is also a painless and safe medication
for men suffering from erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation as
well as for men wishing to improve their sexual performance. Already, a
formulation made with alligator extract that can ensure constant penile
rigidity while delaying ejaculation in both men with or without erectile dysfunction has been patented.
According to Vatsyayana, the Hindu author of the Kama Sutra, if a man, after anointing his lingam (Sanskrit word for the penis) with a mixture of the powders of the white thorn apple, the long pepper and, the black pepper, and honey, engages in sexual union with a woman, he makes her subject to his will.
Is black pepper an aphrodisiac spice? It has been reported that black pepper can exert a microvascular dilating effect on sexual organs, increasing for example blood pressure in the uterus.
We actually know that piperine, found in black pepper, may increase levels of CoQ10 in the blood. Coenzyme Q10 can increase blood flow throughout the body including the penis and can improve erectile dysfunction and impotence. Furthermore, animal reproduction studies demonstrated that black pepper enhanced the orientation of male rats towards the female ones by increasing mounting and anal sniffing behavior.
Previous studies have shown that the aqueous extract of black pepper (Piper guineense fruits) at 122.5 mg/kg stimulates sexual behavior of mature male rats. A recent study that evaluated the effects of the dry fruits of black pepper on some male reproductive parameters such as the secretory activities of the testis and some accessory sexual organs, found it impacted on penile erection and copulatory behaviour, which are controlled by androgens.
The researchers in the study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology wrote: “The aqueous extract of P. guineense had a positive impact on the male reproductive function since it stimulates the secretions of the testes, epididymis and seminal vesicles. The use of P. guineense could negatively influence male fertility when the treatment is prolonged”. The findings of the study entitled: “Effect of the aqueous extract of dry fruits of Piper guineense on the reproductive function of adult male rats” corroborated the traditional use of the plant for male reproductive problems, especially those linked to secretion by sex glands. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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According to Vatsyayana, the Hindu author of the Kama Sutra, if a man, after anointing his lingam (Sanskrit word for the penis) with a mixture of the powders of the white thorn apple, the long pepper and, the black pepper, and honey, engages in sexual union with a woman, he makes her subject to his will.
Is black pepper an aphrodisiac spice? It has been reported that black pepper can exert a microvascular dilating effect on sexual organs, increasing for example blood pressure in the uterus.
We actually know that piperine, found in black pepper, may increase levels of CoQ10 in the blood. Coenzyme Q10 can increase blood flow throughout the body including the penis and can improve erectile dysfunction and impotence. Furthermore, animal reproduction studies demonstrated that black pepper enhanced the orientation of male rats towards the female ones by increasing mounting and anal sniffing behavior.
Previous studies have shown that the aqueous extract of black pepper (Piper guineense fruits) at 122.5 mg/kg stimulates sexual behavior of mature male rats. A recent study that evaluated the effects of the dry fruits of black pepper on some male reproductive parameters such as the secretory activities of the testis and some accessory sexual organs, found it impacted on penile erection and copulatory behaviour, which are controlled by androgens.
The researchers in the study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology wrote: “The aqueous extract of P. guineense had a positive impact on the male reproductive function since it stimulates the secretions of the testes, epididymis and seminal vesicles. The use of P. guineense could negatively influence male fertility when the treatment is prolonged”. The findings of the study entitled: “Effect of the aqueous extract of dry fruits of Piper guineense on the reproductive function of adult male rats” corroborated the traditional use of the plant for male reproductive problems, especially those linked to secretion by sex glands. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Nettle Extract
Nettle root extract has been purported to increase levels
of male hormones as well. Parts of South America use the plant as a
treatment for rheumatism and paralysis of the muscles as well as an
aphrodisiac. Increased libido and correction of erectile dysfunction
have been reported by patients who utilized this herbal extract. Minimal
side effects have also been reported. These testosterone enhancement
products are relatively easy to obtain, but should only be used under
the advice of a physician.
Nettle Extract increases the free testosterone levels. If testosterone is limited serum globulin are not available for cell receptors so as not to encourage the desire sexual erection.
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is an herb that has a long history of medical use, , especially for urinary tract problems. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, stinging nettle is a diuretic, and both of these characteristics make it a good candidate for prostate issues, including BPH, prostatitis and urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) associated with those disorders.
Nettle root extract is widely used in Europe to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate gland. It is recommended by Commission E in Germany and by ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative of Phytotherapy) specifically to relieve urinary problems associated with an enlarged prostate.
Over 15000 men enrolled in clinical studies have benefited from the effects of nettle root extract leading to significant improvements in prostate size, frequency of urination, nocturnal micturition and post-micturition residue.
Nettle root extract is often used in combination with saw palmetto with which it has a synergistic effect. Their efficacy has been compared to that of finasteride, a drug treatment. Nettle root extract combined with saw palmetto achieves similar results to finasteride but without the latter’s side-effects (reduction in libido, sexual dysfunction – in some cases, erectile dysfunction). One observational study involving 419 urologists monitoring 2030 patients over 12 weeks showed beneficial effects, with 85% of patients reporting improvements. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Nettle Extract increases the free testosterone levels. If testosterone is limited serum globulin are not available for cell receptors so as not to encourage the desire sexual erection.
Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is an herb that has a long history of medical use, , especially for urinary tract problems. In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, stinging nettle is a diuretic, and both of these characteristics make it a good candidate for prostate issues, including BPH, prostatitis and urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) associated with those disorders.
Nettle root extract is widely used in Europe to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or enlarged prostate gland. It is recommended by Commission E in Germany and by ESCOP (European Scientific Cooperative of Phytotherapy) specifically to relieve urinary problems associated with an enlarged prostate.
Over 15000 men enrolled in clinical studies have benefited from the effects of nettle root extract leading to significant improvements in prostate size, frequency of urination, nocturnal micturition and post-micturition residue.
Nettle root extract is often used in combination with saw palmetto with which it has a synergistic effect. Their efficacy has been compared to that of finasteride, a drug treatment. Nettle root extract combined with saw palmetto achieves similar results to finasteride but without the latter’s side-effects (reduction in libido, sexual dysfunction – in some cases, erectile dysfunction). One observational study involving 419 urologists monitoring 2030 patients over 12 weeks showed beneficial effects, with 85% of patients reporting improvements. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Chrysin
Chrysin is used for treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED), bodybuilding, treating anxiety, HIV/AIDS, baldness and for preventing cancer.
Chrysin (5,7-dihydroxyflavone) is a naturally occurring bioflavonoid extracted from the plant Passiflora coerulea. In the early 1980’s it was found to have the ability to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into estrogens by inhibiting the enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase inhibiting drugs (Arimidex) have been traditionally used to treat women with estrogen dependant breast cancers, as estrogens are produced in fat cells via these enzymes in a process called aromatisation. The use of these inhibitors are however becoming more popular in aging men seeking to gain control over their sex hormone levels, suppressing excess estrogen production while boosting low testosterone levels to a youthful state.
Declining testosterone in aging males can be the result of several factors one of these being an excess of the aromatase enzyme activity resulting with too much testosterone being aromatised into estrogen. This elevation in estrogen levels then acts on the brain to turn off testosterone production by a negative feedback mechanism resulting in a decline in the testosterone/estrogen ratio. The increased estrogen levels also increase SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) levels which then binds to whatever free testosterone is left thus further reducing its free and active form levels even further. This cascade effect causes a hormone imbalance between estrogen and testosterone and is suspected to be involved in the formation of prostate problems as well as the many symptoms such as : decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory problems, decreased energy and strength, increase in body fat, loss of muscle mass, prostate enlargement, osteoporosis, depression, inability to concentrate, reduced mental agility and loss of enthusiasm.
In these cases where an excess of aromatisation exists the use of an aromatase inhibitor can help obtain a healthy estrogen:testosterone balance. This can result with an increase in strength and stamina, increase in energy levels, improved muscle tone, increased libido, improved sexual function, improved mood and mental agility and a greater zest for life. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Chrysin (5,7-dihydroxyflavone) is a naturally occurring bioflavonoid extracted from the plant Passiflora coerulea. In the early 1980’s it was found to have the ability to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into estrogens by inhibiting the enzyme called aromatase. Aromatase inhibiting drugs (Arimidex) have been traditionally used to treat women with estrogen dependant breast cancers, as estrogens are produced in fat cells via these enzymes in a process called aromatisation. The use of these inhibitors are however becoming more popular in aging men seeking to gain control over their sex hormone levels, suppressing excess estrogen production while boosting low testosterone levels to a youthful state.
Declining testosterone in aging males can be the result of several factors one of these being an excess of the aromatase enzyme activity resulting with too much testosterone being aromatised into estrogen. This elevation in estrogen levels then acts on the brain to turn off testosterone production by a negative feedback mechanism resulting in a decline in the testosterone/estrogen ratio. The increased estrogen levels also increase SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) levels which then binds to whatever free testosterone is left thus further reducing its free and active form levels even further. This cascade effect causes a hormone imbalance between estrogen and testosterone and is suspected to be involved in the formation of prostate problems as well as the many symptoms such as : decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory problems, decreased energy and strength, increase in body fat, loss of muscle mass, prostate enlargement, osteoporosis, depression, inability to concentrate, reduced mental agility and loss of enthusiasm.
In these cases where an excess of aromatisation exists the use of an aromatase inhibitor can help obtain a healthy estrogen:testosterone balance. This can result with an increase in strength and stamina, increase in energy levels, improved muscle tone, increased libido, improved sexual function, improved mood and mental agility and a greater zest for life. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Zinc
In males, a zinc deficiency may cause male erectile dysfunction, which could take many forms such as delayed sexual
maturation, meaning a delayed development of pubic hair and genitalia, erectile dysfunction - the inability to maintain an erection or have a lack of
sexual desire and hypogonadism, a condition in which the body doesn't
produce testosterone, states the Office of Dietary Supplements.
Zinc in an important mineral nutrient that is involved in many physiological functions including the synthesis of testosterone. While zinc has not been studied as a therapy for the treatment of men overall, it has shown promise in improving the sexual function of men with serious kidney disease and who are often undergoing dialysis. It seems reasonable to supplement zinc in men that are experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Zinc, found in high protein foods such as beef, lamb, pork, peanuts and legumes, proves vital for cell growth, wound healing and your immune system. Those with a higher risk of developing a zinc deficiency include infants, children, pregnant and lactating women, those with celiac disease, Crohn's disease and inflammatory bowel disease and people over 65 years old, states Linus Pauling Institute.
This vitamin is found in the prostate gland and is required for its optimal functioning. The efficacy of zinc as treatment was tested in a study by scientists and it was found that zinc is a good treatment for those who suffer from ED due to chronic kidney disease (CKD).
It has also been proved that men with diabetes, kidney and liver disease and some digestive disorders have a lower level if Zinc then men without these health conditions and these health problems can also cause erectile dysfunction and so by eating food with zinc more often you are helping your health in two different ways.
Even though Zinc is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle if too much of it is consumed then it could possible damage your immune system and add to your health problems rather than helping them. The dosage of Zinc that is most widely recommended is 30mg of Zinc per day. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Zinc in an important mineral nutrient that is involved in many physiological functions including the synthesis of testosterone. While zinc has not been studied as a therapy for the treatment of men overall, it has shown promise in improving the sexual function of men with serious kidney disease and who are often undergoing dialysis. It seems reasonable to supplement zinc in men that are experiencing erectile dysfunction.
Zinc, found in high protein foods such as beef, lamb, pork, peanuts and legumes, proves vital for cell growth, wound healing and your immune system. Those with a higher risk of developing a zinc deficiency include infants, children, pregnant and lactating women, those with celiac disease, Crohn's disease and inflammatory bowel disease and people over 65 years old, states Linus Pauling Institute.
This vitamin is found in the prostate gland and is required for its optimal functioning. The efficacy of zinc as treatment was tested in a study by scientists and it was found that zinc is a good treatment for those who suffer from ED due to chronic kidney disease (CKD).
It has also been proved that men with diabetes, kidney and liver disease and some digestive disorders have a lower level if Zinc then men without these health conditions and these health problems can also cause erectile dysfunction and so by eating food with zinc more often you are helping your health in two different ways.
Even though Zinc is needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle if too much of it is consumed then it could possible damage your immune system and add to your health problems rather than helping them. The dosage of Zinc that is most widely recommended is 30mg of Zinc per day. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Propionyl-L-Carnitine
Patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) and blood circulation problems may take propionyl-L-carnitine. Propionyl-L-carnitine
is a type of amino acid, which is a component of proteins. Amino acids
are naturally produced in the body; however, some people may also take
supplements. A doctor may also administer this amino acid intravenously
to treat heart disease, blood vessel disorders, and angina, or chest
pain. Those with leg pain, or intermittent claudication, that is caused
by peripheral vascular disease (PVD), or poor leg circulation may also
benefit from this treatment.
Other medical conditions that propionyl-L-carnitine may be used for may include chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), congestive heart failure, and Peyronie's disease, as well as inadequate levels of testosterone. It is often prescribed along with medications. The supplement works by assisting the body in producing energy and possibly increasing blood circulation. This amino acid is essential in many processes in the body, including muscular movements and the proper functioning of the heart.
Propionyl-l-carnitine has been used in erectile dysfunction studies, in which it was found to have positive effects. An increase in sexual well being, orgasm, a satisfaction in intercourse, and an improvement of erectile dysfunction were all present during these studies.
Propionyl-L-carnitine together with acetyl-L-carnitine were found to enhance the effective assildenafil. It helps to treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation resulting in improvement of erectile function, sexual intercourse satisfaction, orgasm, and general sexual well-being.
Propionyl-L-carnitine can also be found naturally in the foods like red meat especially lamb, milk, eggs, fish, wheat, asparagus and peanut butter. Before going ahead with the supplement it may be a good idea to try and increase these food sources in your diet to see if your symptoms of erectile dysfunction decrease. If by increasing these foods in your diet your symptoms decrease then you will not have to take a supplement with potential risks and side effects. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Other medical conditions that propionyl-L-carnitine may be used for may include chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), congestive heart failure, and Peyronie's disease, as well as inadequate levels of testosterone. It is often prescribed along with medications. The supplement works by assisting the body in producing energy and possibly increasing blood circulation. This amino acid is essential in many processes in the body, including muscular movements and the proper functioning of the heart.
Propionyl-l-carnitine has been used in erectile dysfunction studies, in which it was found to have positive effects. An increase in sexual well being, orgasm, a satisfaction in intercourse, and an improvement of erectile dysfunction were all present during these studies.
Propionyl-L-carnitine together with acetyl-L-carnitine were found to enhance the effective assildenafil. It helps to treat erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation resulting in improvement of erectile function, sexual intercourse satisfaction, orgasm, and general sexual well-being.
Propionyl-L-carnitine can also be found naturally in the foods like red meat especially lamb, milk, eggs, fish, wheat, asparagus and peanut butter. Before going ahead with the supplement it may be a good idea to try and increase these food sources in your diet to see if your symptoms of erectile dysfunction decrease. If by increasing these foods in your diet your symptoms decrease then you will not have to take a supplement with potential risks and side effects. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and L-Arginine
L-arginine - An amino acid found naturally in foods such as meat, dairy, poultry and fish, L-arginine helps treat erectile dysfunction by enhancing the effects of nitric oxide and increasing blood flow to the penis, leading to an erection. L-arginine is also market by oral supplements manufacturers as a natural Viagra.
L-arginine is an amino acid that has numerous functions in the body. It helps the body get rid of ammonia (a waste product), is used to make compounds in the body such creatine, L-glutamate, and L-proline, and can be converted to glucose and glycogen if needed.
L-arginine is used to make the nitric oxide, a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. Preliminary studies have found that L-arginine may help with conditions that improve when blood vessels are relaxed (called vasodilation), such as atherosclerosis, erectile dysfunction, and intermittent claudication.
L-arginine has been used for erectile dysfunction. Like the drug sildenafil citrate (Viagra), L-arginine is thought to enhance the action of nitric oxide, which relaxes muscles surrounding blood vessels supplying the penis. As a result, blood vessels in the penis dilate, increasing blood flow, which helps maintain an erection. The difference in how they work is that Viagra blocks an enzyme called PDE5 which destroys nitric oxide and L-arginine is used to make nitric oxide.
In one study, 50 men with erectile dysfunction took either 5 grams of L-arginine per day or a placebo. After six weeks, more men in the L-arginine group had an improvement compared to those taking the placebo. Unlike Viagra, L-arginine must be taken daily. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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L-arginine is an amino acid that has numerous functions in the body. It helps the body get rid of ammonia (a waste product), is used to make compounds in the body such creatine, L-glutamate, and L-proline, and can be converted to glucose and glycogen if needed.
L-arginine is used to make the nitric oxide, a compound in the body that relaxes blood vessels. Preliminary studies have found that L-arginine may help with conditions that improve when blood vessels are relaxed (called vasodilation), such as atherosclerosis, erectile dysfunction, and intermittent claudication.
L-arginine has been used for erectile dysfunction. Like the drug sildenafil citrate (Viagra), L-arginine is thought to enhance the action of nitric oxide, which relaxes muscles surrounding blood vessels supplying the penis. As a result, blood vessels in the penis dilate, increasing blood flow, which helps maintain an erection. The difference in how they work is that Viagra blocks an enzyme called PDE5 which destroys nitric oxide and L-arginine is used to make nitric oxide.
In one study, 50 men with erectile dysfunction took either 5 grams of L-arginine per day or a placebo. After six weeks, more men in the L-arginine group had an improvement compared to those taking the placebo. Unlike Viagra, L-arginine must be taken daily. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Monday, 26 November 2012
Erectile Dysfunction and Ginkgo
Ginkgo Biloba – This is one of the most popular herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction. Ginkgo Biloba had been used for hundreds of years in Chinese medicine, to treat erection difficulties and as an aphrodisiac.
Ginkgo can reinvigorate your libido by improving blood flow to all parts of your body. Studies show that erectile dysfunction is improved by the supplement ginkgo. This natural remedy may even help with reduced libido caused by antidepressants.
Gingko Biloba is a somewhat magical tree that thrives in the worst possible conditions, such as unfertilized soil and constant sunlight. What makes the tree different is that it resists infection and tolerates excessive pollution. While the 120-foot tree has been on the planet for over 200 million years, scientists have only recently discovered its impotence-fighting powers.
In the past, people have taken Gingko Biloba to boost their mood, increase assertiveness, increase cognitive coherence, and slow the damaging effects of aging. Additionally, the herb is used as an alternative therapy for people suffering from anxiety and chronic fatigue. Since the creation of Viagra, Gingko Biloba is commonly used in erectile dysfunction medication. Most notably, the herb is also used directly in the form of a pill to boost blood flow to the penal region.
Scientists and doctors recommend individuals suffering from erectile dysfunction find a remedy that contains 24 percent gingko, also referred to on medicines as flavonglycosides. Depending on the product you buy, doctors say to take 40 to 80 mg doses three times each day for no less than 12 weeks. The herbs need time to build up in your system, thus it is not a suitable choice for short-term therapy.
Doctors recently found Gingko can treat erectile dysfunction because previously it was used to increase blood circulation to the main artery and brain. In the process, the medicine opens major capillaries and vessels while boosting metabolism, regulating the nervous system, and increasing oxygenation levels. In a study, the scientists discovered the medicine opens major vessels throughout the body, including the penis. This enables men with erectile dysfunction to become hard faster, and for longer durations.
Besides treating erectile dysfunction, Gingko is used in stroke victims, patients who suffer from vertigo, as well as those with circulatory problems. It is one of the most popular supplements because it treats a variety of conditions, unlike one-use products that cure a specific ailment. Most multivitamins contain some Gingko, but always check to ensure it contains 24 percent by volume. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Ginkgo can reinvigorate your libido by improving blood flow to all parts of your body. Studies show that erectile dysfunction is improved by the supplement ginkgo. This natural remedy may even help with reduced libido caused by antidepressants.
Gingko Biloba is a somewhat magical tree that thrives in the worst possible conditions, such as unfertilized soil and constant sunlight. What makes the tree different is that it resists infection and tolerates excessive pollution. While the 120-foot tree has been on the planet for over 200 million years, scientists have only recently discovered its impotence-fighting powers.
In the past, people have taken Gingko Biloba to boost their mood, increase assertiveness, increase cognitive coherence, and slow the damaging effects of aging. Additionally, the herb is used as an alternative therapy for people suffering from anxiety and chronic fatigue. Since the creation of Viagra, Gingko Biloba is commonly used in erectile dysfunction medication. Most notably, the herb is also used directly in the form of a pill to boost blood flow to the penal region.
Scientists and doctors recommend individuals suffering from erectile dysfunction find a remedy that contains 24 percent gingko, also referred to on medicines as flavonglycosides. Depending on the product you buy, doctors say to take 40 to 80 mg doses three times each day for no less than 12 weeks. The herbs need time to build up in your system, thus it is not a suitable choice for short-term therapy.
Doctors recently found Gingko can treat erectile dysfunction because previously it was used to increase blood circulation to the main artery and brain. In the process, the medicine opens major capillaries and vessels while boosting metabolism, regulating the nervous system, and increasing oxygenation levels. In a study, the scientists discovered the medicine opens major vessels throughout the body, including the penis. This enables men with erectile dysfunction to become hard faster, and for longer durations.
Besides treating erectile dysfunction, Gingko is used in stroke victims, patients who suffer from vertigo, as well as those with circulatory problems. It is one of the most popular supplements because it treats a variety of conditions, unlike one-use products that cure a specific ailment. Most multivitamins contain some Gingko, but always check to ensure it contains 24 percent by volume. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Yohimbe

Yohimbe has been used for centuries in African folk medicine to treat leprosy, coughs, treat fevers, as a local anesthetic, sexual aphrodisiac, etc. African tribal men would often chew on the bark prior to going to battle to increase their strength; however, its most popular use has been as an aphrodisiac and to improve erection.
Clinical Studies
There have been numerous clinical studies that confirm Yohimbe’s effectiveness. For example, in the February 1998 issue of the Journal of Urology, researchers from the University of Exeter Medical School in England surveyed clinical trials involving the herb and concluded that Yohimbine should be used in the first line of treatment for erectile dysfunction. The benefits of Yohimbe far outweigh the risks associated with the herb.
Additional clinical studies have shown that Yohimbe to be effective in up to 80% of men with erectile dysfunction. These results rival the clinical results of Viagra that show a positive effect in some 75%-83% of the population tested. Yohimbe was shown to be most effective in men who suffer from erectile dysfunction secondary to psychological, vascular or diabetic in origin.
The herbal supplement did not produce significant improvement in males with erectile dysfunction caused by organic nerve damage (which is only attributed to a small percent of those individuals with erectile dysfunction). Yohimbe was also shown to increase sexual stamina and prolong erection in men who are free from the complications of erectile dysfunction.
In addition, the promising value of Yohimbe is not only the herbs role as a treatment for erectile dysfunction but its power to enhance sexuality in healthy subjects. Yohimbe is also prescribed as an effective weight loss supplement.
Modern day uses
Today, Yohimbe is not only prescribed by physicians and herbal specialist for erectile dysfunction but for the following positive benefits:
• Effective in restoring potency in diabetic and heart patients who suffer from erectile dysfunction
• Has been used in traditional medicine to treat angina and hypertension
• Effective weight loss agent
• Increase overall stamina and endurance
• Promotes generalized feeling of well being is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Erectile Dysfunction and Ginseng
Sex and Ginseng have been related since the times
immemorial and have been used as a treatment and also a cure for male
sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and impotence. The active
ingredients in Ginseng help the body in reducing the effects of stress
and related issues. It helps in increasing the levels of circulation
which is directly related to sexual performance as the problems in the
blood flow are the major causes of erectile dysfunction.
Ginseng is the name of a plant that is found growing the Asian continent typically in the cooler environments. It has some aphrodisiac properties. The medicinal content is found in the roots of the plant.
Ginseng is commonly used as an Adaptogen. The meaning of this term is that they are capable of increasing the resistance of the body to stress and increase the blood flow. It is also used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Ginseng is known to have some very powerful healing capacities. There are basically two types of Ginseng- The American Ginseng and the Asian Ginseng. The American one has the property cooling the body and is hence used to control fever and respiratory problems. The Asian Ginseng helps in heating the body and so is used to improve the circulation.
Ginseng is typically used as a sex pill. The unique property of it which increases the circulation in the body makes it a very potent sex pill. The usage of Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction is widely accepted and clinical studies have indicated that they are indeed capable of increasing the libido of the user. The active ingredients in Ginseng called ginsenocides are a very powerful and effective group and they are potent when used in the right dosage.
Ginseng pills are available in a wide variety of forms. The usual means that they are available are as roots, as the main ingredients are found in the roots. Usually they are available in the dry form and they can be powdered and consumed with a drink. They are also used in the form of potions and most of the times they are put in soups and consumed.
Red Ginseng is Korean Ginseng and it is a variety of Ginseng that if famous for its usage in treating sexual problems. It is heated or sun dried and then it is used in the form of a powder. They are cultivated extensively in china and in South Korea.
The use of red ginseng encourages the flow of blood to the penis and improves the response of the nervous system thereby improving the quality of erection. Because of these benefits, the use of red ginseng for erectile dysfunction has gained importance. Red ginseng for libido is also recommended as it helps to enhance the sex drive. The use of ginseng thus boosts satisfaction levels thereby ensuring that love making is a pleasurable experience.
We can buy Ginseng from the local markets of the east and they are readily available in the shops that sell oriental products in the west. They are popular and hence it is a good idea to stock them up. As they are the traditional medicine used in china and other neighbouring countries they are readily available and they are sold in large quantities. They form part of the traditional medicine system of the Chinese and are of great scientific importance to the medical fraternity. They ingredients have been used in modern products such as energy drinks and herbal tea products. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
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Ginseng is the name of a plant that is found growing the Asian continent typically in the cooler environments. It has some aphrodisiac properties. The medicinal content is found in the roots of the plant.
Ginseng is commonly used as an Adaptogen. The meaning of this term is that they are capable of increasing the resistance of the body to stress and increase the blood flow. It is also used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Ginseng is known to have some very powerful healing capacities. There are basically two types of Ginseng- The American Ginseng and the Asian Ginseng. The American one has the property cooling the body and is hence used to control fever and respiratory problems. The Asian Ginseng helps in heating the body and so is used to improve the circulation.
Ginseng is typically used as a sex pill. The unique property of it which increases the circulation in the body makes it a very potent sex pill. The usage of Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction is widely accepted and clinical studies have indicated that they are indeed capable of increasing the libido of the user. The active ingredients in Ginseng called ginsenocides are a very powerful and effective group and they are potent when used in the right dosage.
Ginseng pills are available in a wide variety of forms. The usual means that they are available are as roots, as the main ingredients are found in the roots. Usually they are available in the dry form and they can be powdered and consumed with a drink. They are also used in the form of potions and most of the times they are put in soups and consumed.
Red Ginseng is Korean Ginseng and it is a variety of Ginseng that if famous for its usage in treating sexual problems. It is heated or sun dried and then it is used in the form of a powder. They are cultivated extensively in china and in South Korea.
The use of red ginseng encourages the flow of blood to the penis and improves the response of the nervous system thereby improving the quality of erection. Because of these benefits, the use of red ginseng for erectile dysfunction has gained importance. Red ginseng for libido is also recommended as it helps to enhance the sex drive. The use of ginseng thus boosts satisfaction levels thereby ensuring that love making is a pleasurable experience.
We can buy Ginseng from the local markets of the east and they are readily available in the shops that sell oriental products in the west. They are popular and hence it is a good idea to stock them up. As they are the traditional medicine used in china and other neighbouring countries they are readily available and they are sold in large quantities. They form part of the traditional medicine system of the Chinese and are of great scientific importance to the medical fraternity. They ingredients have been used in modern products such as energy drinks and herbal tea products. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction | Viagra for Mens | Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Authentic viagra online for erectile dysfunction ED, erectile dysfunction treatment, Men's Health
Erectile Dysfunction and Staxyn
Staxyn is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence).
Staxyn (vardenafil) works by helping to relax muscles and increase
blood flow into the penis during sexual stimulation. This helps men to
achieve and maintain an erection.
United states Food and Drugs Administration approved the medication Staxyn (varbenafil HCL) tablets for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The main advantage of Staxyn is that tablets are quickly dissolved in the mouth cavity under the tongue. Staxyn is made by GlaxoSmithKline and Merck & Co. The active ingredient of Staxyn is vardenafil hcl that is the main active component of well known medication Levitra. Vardenafil is PDE5 inhibitor that works by enhancing blood flow to penis causing strong and lasting erection satisfactory for sexual activity. By inhibiting PDE5 vardenafil increases the amount of cyclic GMP in cavernous body and thus relaxes the smooth muscle causing blood inflow to penis. Staxyn will be recommended only for patients over 18 years of age and is not intended to treat women sexual problems.
Staxyn medication must not be using in combination with nitrates which are nitrogen oxide donors. Also the medication is not recommended for use with CYP3A4 inhibitors, alpha-blockers, protease inhibitors and other drugs which interact with Levitra (see Levitra drugs interactions).
It is not recommended to take Staxyn tablets in patients with hypertension, history of heart attacks and strokes (for the last 6 months), unstable angina, degenerative diseases of the retina. Also the medication must not be used in patients with anatomical deformations of the penis.
Staxyn side effects are common for all PDE5 inhibitors and include: headache, hot flashes, dyspepsia, nausea, dizziness, nasal congestion. Less common Staxyn side effects include: increased levels of creatine kinase in the blood, back pain, rhinitis. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction | Viagra for Mens | Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Authentic viagra online for erectile dysfunction ED, erectile dysfunction treatment, Men's Health
United states Food and Drugs Administration approved the medication Staxyn (varbenafil HCL) tablets for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The main advantage of Staxyn is that tablets are quickly dissolved in the mouth cavity under the tongue. Staxyn is made by GlaxoSmithKline and Merck & Co. The active ingredient of Staxyn is vardenafil hcl that is the main active component of well known medication Levitra. Vardenafil is PDE5 inhibitor that works by enhancing blood flow to penis causing strong and lasting erection satisfactory for sexual activity. By inhibiting PDE5 vardenafil increases the amount of cyclic GMP in cavernous body and thus relaxes the smooth muscle causing blood inflow to penis. Staxyn will be recommended only for patients over 18 years of age and is not intended to treat women sexual problems.
Staxyn medication must not be using in combination with nitrates which are nitrogen oxide donors. Also the medication is not recommended for use with CYP3A4 inhibitors, alpha-blockers, protease inhibitors and other drugs which interact with Levitra (see Levitra drugs interactions).
It is not recommended to take Staxyn tablets in patients with hypertension, history of heart attacks and strokes (for the last 6 months), unstable angina, degenerative diseases of the retina. Also the medication must not be used in patients with anatomical deformations of the penis.
Staxyn side effects are common for all PDE5 inhibitors and include: headache, hot flashes, dyspepsia, nausea, dizziness, nasal congestion. Less common Staxyn side effects include: increased levels of creatine kinase in the blood, back pain, rhinitis. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction | Viagra for Mens | Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Authentic viagra online for erectile dysfunction ED, erectile dysfunction treatment, Men's Health
Erectile Dysfunction and Levitra
Levitra Overview
Levitra (vardenafil) was approved for usage in the U.S. on the 19th of August, 2003. Before its introduction to the market the only ED (Erectile Dysfunction) treatment option was Viagra (sildenafil). Levitra can work in as little as 12 minutes and stay in a person’s system for up to 24 hours. Bayer and GaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers, Bayer and GlaxoSmithKline, believe this will lead to more spontaneous and thus more enjoyable sexual encounters for people requiring erectile dysfunction treatment.
How does Levitra work ?
Levitra works as a PDE5 inhibitor, rapidly entering the bloodstream and relaxing the main arteries which feed blood to the penis. The PDE5 enzyme in the penis is what controls how much blood is pumped into the main shaft. When this enzyme is disabled, the blood can flow freely, and upon sexual arousal or stimulation, an erection is easily achieved and maintained for a prolonged period of time.
How to Take Levitra
Levitra comes in 2.5-mg, 5-mg, 10-mg, and 20-mg tablets. Usually the starting dose for Levitra is 10-mg. Your physician will dispense the right dosage for you based upon your medical history and situation, as each patient’s needs are unique. Always make sure to tell your doctor all of the medications that you are currently taking, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction | Viagra for Mens | Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Authentic viagra online for erectile dysfunction ED, erectile dysfunction treatment, Men's Health
Levitra (vardenafil) was approved for usage in the U.S. on the 19th of August, 2003. Before its introduction to the market the only ED (Erectile Dysfunction) treatment option was Viagra (sildenafil). Levitra can work in as little as 12 minutes and stay in a person’s system for up to 24 hours. Bayer and GaxoSmithKline, the manufacturers, Bayer and GlaxoSmithKline, believe this will lead to more spontaneous and thus more enjoyable sexual encounters for people requiring erectile dysfunction treatment.
How does Levitra work ?
Levitra works as a PDE5 inhibitor, rapidly entering the bloodstream and relaxing the main arteries which feed blood to the penis. The PDE5 enzyme in the penis is what controls how much blood is pumped into the main shaft. When this enzyme is disabled, the blood can flow freely, and upon sexual arousal or stimulation, an erection is easily achieved and maintained for a prolonged period of time.
How to Take Levitra
Levitra comes in 2.5-mg, 5-mg, 10-mg, and 20-mg tablets. Usually the starting dose for Levitra is 10-mg. Your physician will dispense the right dosage for you based upon your medical history and situation, as each patient’s needs are unique. Always make sure to tell your doctor all of the medications that you are currently taking, whether they are prescription or over-the-counter. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction | Viagra for Mens | Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Authentic viagra online for erectile dysfunction ED, erectile dysfunction treatment, Men's Health
Erectile Dysfunction and Cialis
Cialis Overview
Cialis (tadalafil) is currently one of the leading ED (Erectile Dysfunction) oral therapy treatments on the market, and offers men of all ages who suffer from ED an unprecedented 36-hour window in which they can enjoy spontaneous sex after taking Cialis. Cialis offers what no other current ED drug can, the ability to have sexual relations spontaneously, when it is most suiting and natural.
How does Cialis work ?
Cialis and Viagra work as PDE5 inhibitors. After being rapidly introduced to the bloodstream it disables the PDE5 enzymes which regulate and control the blood flow to the penis. When these PDE5 enzymes are temporarily disabled, the arteries relax and allow for normal blood flow to the main shaft of the penis. The end result is the ability for a male to achieve a firm erection upon sexual and or mental stimulation. After intimacy and sexual release has been completed, the blood will leave the penis, allowing it to resume its natural limp-state.
Cialis Side Effects
The most common side effects from taking Cialis are, stuffy or running nose, upset stomach, facial flushing, and in some cases a visual blurring and the presence of a blue-tint in the vision. In rare cases, a prolonged erection was reported, which should be treated immediately at any hospital to avoid injury. Make sure to inform your physician of any other medications you might be taking and side-effects you may have experienced. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction | Viagra for Mens | Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Authentic viagra online for erectile dysfunction ED, erectile dysfunction treatment, Men's Health
Cialis (tadalafil) is currently one of the leading ED (Erectile Dysfunction) oral therapy treatments on the market, and offers men of all ages who suffer from ED an unprecedented 36-hour window in which they can enjoy spontaneous sex after taking Cialis. Cialis offers what no other current ED drug can, the ability to have sexual relations spontaneously, when it is most suiting and natural.
How does Cialis work ?
Cialis and Viagra work as PDE5 inhibitors. After being rapidly introduced to the bloodstream it disables the PDE5 enzymes which regulate and control the blood flow to the penis. When these PDE5 enzymes are temporarily disabled, the arteries relax and allow for normal blood flow to the main shaft of the penis. The end result is the ability for a male to achieve a firm erection upon sexual and or mental stimulation. After intimacy and sexual release has been completed, the blood will leave the penis, allowing it to resume its natural limp-state.
Cialis Side Effects
The most common side effects from taking Cialis are, stuffy or running nose, upset stomach, facial flushing, and in some cases a visual blurring and the presence of a blue-tint in the vision. In rare cases, a prolonged erection was reported, which should be treated immediately at any hospital to avoid injury. Make sure to inform your physician of any other medications you might be taking and side-effects you may have experienced. is a website that offers complete information and genuine brand for the erectile dysfunction treatment.
Erectile Dysfunction | Viagra for Mens | Erectile Dysfunction Treatment - Authentic viagra online for erectile dysfunction ED, erectile dysfunction treatment, Men's Health
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